These papers contain the opinions of the authors, and are not necessarily representative of LCJE.
Papers are in Microsoft Word 6.0/95 format (.doc) unless otherwise noted.
Conference Program
The Centrality of Messiah and the Theological Direction of the Messianic Movement by
Rev. Fred Klett (50 pages)
Evangelizing with Yechiel Lichtenstein in 19th Century Eastern Europe by
Kai Kjaer-Hansen (pdf)
International LCJE Report by
Kai Kjaer-Hansen (pdf)
Jewish Children and Messianic Jewish Identity by R. Kirk Gliebe (15 pages)
Jewish Missions and Messianic Jewish Congregations: A Match Made in Heaven by Barry Rubin (24 pages)
Modern Messianic Identity and Practice by Andrew D. Sparks (10 pages)
One in Messiah by Wes Taber (18 pages)
One in Messiah by Wes Taber (24 pages, with pictures. PDF file.)
One in Messiah, Appendix 1 by Wes Taber (15 pages)
One in Messiah, Appendix 2 by Wes Taber (13 pages)
Whatever Happened to the Kingdom of God? by Daniel Gruber (11 pages)
La Intercesion en el plan de compartir las Buenas nuevas by Rosina Raudales (3 pages; Spanish)
Abandonando a Yeshúa para abrazar el Judaísmo Rabínico by Rev. Peter Citelli (9 pages; Spanish)
Abandonando a Yeshúa para abrazar el Judaísmo Rabínico, Apéndice 1 by Rev. Peter Citelli (5 pages; Spanish)
Historia del Judaísmo Mesiánico by Dr. Rabino Manuel G. Hernández (7 pages; Spanish)