Jewish Evangelism and the Majority World
A New LCJE Prayer Letter

By Bodil F. Skjøtt

We all know it and at the Forum 2004 in Pattaya last October we could all see it when looking at the participants at the Forum: The global church is moving south and east; Africa and Asia are where the majority of the world's population lives and it is also where the majority of the world's Christian population lives. However, it is not where the majority of world's about 14 million Jewish people live. Our challenge as a network for Jewish evangelism is therefore to ensure that as the church moves, she takes with her the obligation to share the gospel with the Jewish people - for the sake of Messiah's own people and for the sake of the church in the south and the east. How do we do that when people there don't have Jewish neighbours and most Christians there have never met a Jewish believer in Jesus?

Some of the LCJE participants at Pattaya set themselves the challenge of talking to as many of the leaders from the Majority World as possible, telling them about Jewish evangelism and Messianic believers and asking if they would like to receive a prayer letter from LCJE informing them about what is happening in the world of Jewish evangelism and telling them what to pray for.

As a result of that, we now have a database of about 80 email addresses of people mainly in Africa and Asia, but also elsewhere, who would like to hear more and to contribute to Jewish evangelism through their prayer support.

We also have a person who will see to it that such a letter gets edited and sent out. Mary Chase, who is presently living and working in Moscow, has volunteered to collect news from the world of Jewish evangelism and relevant prayer items and put this into a prayer letter that will be sent out quarterly to those on the list. We can all participate by adding new names to the list of receivers or forwarding the letter to people we know of and who would be interested.

But we can also contribute by letting Mary know what to tell people in the prayer letter. Some people have already agreed to send us news and prayer items and hopefully we can have the first letter out this summer. We are still working on the form and the length of the letter. It should be informative, not too personal or specific, but still relevant and to the point so that those who read it can know what to pray for.

With these loose guidelines we would like to invite you to contribute. You can do that be sending a mail to Mary Chase, and Bodil Skjøtt, Please, send it to both addresses.

Bodil Skjøtt