By One Spirit?
Teiichiro Kuroda, Japan

One of the difficulties we have in life is to understand one another. Why is it difficult? Because we are all different and it's not easy for us to accept others. But the Bible says in Eph.2:18 that through Christ we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.

God is the One who can reveal Himself through our difficulties. Now what happens by the One Spirit? We can consider the following points.

1. The chosen people and the gentiles can be reconciled by Him. The blood of Jesus reconciled His people and the gentiles, so there is no difference in Christ Jesus between us. Therefore we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, and it is now possible for us to come close to Him. Read Ephesians 2:19.

2. A Spiritual building will be built on the cornerstone. There are different types of buildings in the world, but what we believe can be built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph.2:20). The Bible says that Christ Jesus is the chief cornerstone and we as believers may build a spiritual house on that foundation. It also says that in Christ the whole building will be fitted together and will grow into a holy temple in the Lord.

3. God Himself dwells in us. Ephesians 2:22 says that in Christ we also are being built together to become for a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. This is truly a miracle, for we know that we are not worthy to be built by Him. We were sinners who were living apart from Him. But Christ Jesus made it possible for us to be reconciled, to become His building, and for the Spirit to dwell in us. Praise the Lord!

In conclusion, we can see that the Bible teaches us the wonderful truth that through Christ we have access by One Spirit to the Father. What happens by the One Spirit?

1. The chosen people and gentiles can be reconciled by Him

2. A spiritual building will be built on the cornerstone

3. God Himself dwells in us.

Teiichiro Kuroda