Annual Report for LCJE Japan 2003
By Teiichiro Kuroda, LCJE Coordinator for Japan

Last year the Lord has blessed our ministries very much. We believe that more and more Japanese believers are showing their interests and burdens for Jewish Evangelism though there are not many Jews living in Japan. Our first driving force of our LCJE – Japan activities I have to say is “prayer.” We could have monthly prayer meetings both in Tokyo and Osaka last year. LCJE-Japan friends and Christians who have a burden for Jewish Evangelism came to the prayer meeting first. We listened to the word of God, then we had a time of prayer with many different prayer requests, especially for peace in Israel and salvation to the Jewish people in the world. These prayer meetings are still going on.

In October 2003, we had the privilege to invite Dr. Barnett from England to our prayer meeting in Osaka as the guest speaker. He shared his testimony with us as a Jew. Then he gave us a message and explained his wide spread ministries of “The Prayer group for Israel” not only in England but also all over the world. Dr. Barnett is more than eighty years old, but his message was very powerful. We were encouraged by his wonderful words. In November 2003, we had “The 2nd Combined Prayer Meeting” organized by LCJE-Japan in Tokyo and Osaka. Three groups which are involved in the Jewish Evangelism joined these prayer meetings and other Israel friends joined the meeting. Altogether about two hundred people came to these meetings in Tokyo and Osaka. Rev. Ariel Blumenthal and Rev. Gabriel Geffen were invited to this special event from Jerusalem. I was also one of the speakers and gave a message entitled “The Russian Jews and Europe.” We had some other Japanese friends who gave short messages too. We prayed together for the nation and for the people of Israel. It was a very blessed time for all of us.

LCJE-Japan moved to a new office in April 2003. It was in the same building, to the 5th floor, from 8th floor. Office businesses are running by prayer and love offerings from our Japanese prayer friends. In August 2003, it was my pleasure that I could joined the seventh International Conference in Helsinki Finland. The Japanese LCJE ministries are still small, but we will go forward and encourage the Japanese Christians to remember His nation and people in the world, because many Japanese believers are influenced by the replacement theology and have no understanding about Jewish Evangelism. This is one of our LCJE ministries here in Japan.

Teiichiro Kuroda