Annual Report for LCJE Finland 2003
By Eero Junkkaala, LCJE Coordinator for Finland

The JUST-group gathered 5 times during the year 2003. There are ten members from different Christian organisations in the group, and the Chairman has been General Secretary Eero Junkkaala.

The group arranged two public meetings during the year: a Prayer Day for Jewish Evangelism in May and a Seminar in October. There were about100 participants in the Seminar and about 500 in the evening meeting. The themes of the lectures were e.g. the work among Jewish people in Russia, the work among Jews and Arabs in Israel and the history of European Jewish evangelism. The grand old man in the Finnish Jewish evangelism, Heikki Nurminen, gave a lecture titled "What should I have done otherwise in Jewish evangelism?"

The biggest project was the International Conference for Jewish Evangelism at the Finnish Bible Institute in Kauniainen from 7th to 12th August. Almost all arrangements were done by the international staff, but also the Finnish group got a blessing by performing many practical tasks. The Conference was very encouraging and gave a lot of inspiration and important information about the situation from Jewish evangelism around the world.

Eero Junkkaala