I just couldn’t resist the new challenge
By Roger Horwood, New LCJE South Africa Coordinator

July 1969 was one of the highlight months of my life. I was born in the London area of England but travelled to South Africa in 1969, ostensibly for a few week’s holiday and ended up staying for 34 years, so far !  Another great highlight month which eclipsed the first, happened at a “Youth for Christ” Rally in the City Hall Cape Town in February 1972 when God took a firm hold of my life and I came to know Jesus as my Saviour and Lord.

            In 1980 I was ordained into the ministry of the Church of England in South Africa after studying at the Bible Institute of South Africa in Cape Town. Subsequent to ordination, four congregations have put up with me from then to the present time – 10 years in Cape Town building up a ‘tired’ suburban congregation, followed by 6 years in Johannesburg planting two new congregations (the transfer to Johannesburg was the result of beating my Cape Town Bishop too often on the squash court – there’s a lesson for young clergy to be learned there somewhere!) – and then back to Cape Town where for 8 years so far, The

Lord has graciously used me to build up another weary congregation from a small declining membership to an active attendance of about 400.

            In about 1992 the congregation which I then served in Johannesburg, accepted a visit from Jews for Jesus, represented by Andrew Barron who was Station Head in South Africa at that time. Subsequent to the visit, Andrew and his wife Laura felt that the Lord was calling them to join our congregation and it wasn’t long after that that Jews for Jesus South Africa invited me to join the South African Board, which I accepted joyfully, as the area in which we lived had a substantial Jewish population. After about a year on the Board and, following the unexpected death of the Board Chairman, Rev. Austen Massey (a great saint of God and an avid supporter of Jewish evangelism), the Board invited me to become the Chairman which gave me an enormous thrill and which continues to give me great joy and fulfillment. It is such a privilege that God should choose to use the skills and abilities which He himself has given!

            The 7th Consultation of the LCJE in Helsinki was a first for me, and I enjoyed the privilege of being there so much that when the organizers needed an Area Coordinator for South Africa, I just couldn’t resist the new challenge, and I look forward to doing as much as I’m able to build up the work of Jewish Evangelism in South Africa.

            Sharon is my beautiful wife of 31 years, our oldest is 30 years old, married to a wonderful American man and serving The Lord with “Young Life” in the USA, and our son is a television producer living in Johannesburg and still on the lookout for a life partner.

            Romans 1:16 says it all!

Roger Horwood