By Teiichiro Kuroda, LCJE Coordinator for Japan

"By Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20).

As we all know, Palestinian and Israeli people have been fighting for many years. Especially in the last few months, the situation in Israel has gotten worse. And we know that hundreds of people, including women and children, have lost their lives or have been seriously injured.

People in the world are seeking peace, but they do not find it.

Since Israel is the so called "The Holy Land" for three of the world's biggest religions, many people in Japan are asking us why there is no peace in the Middle East. We tell them that true peace comes only through Jesus Christ.

The Bible clearly says in Colossians 3:20 that the true peace comes only "by Him". Here we can learn two important points. The first is that we may have peace "through the blood of His cross." Jesus Christ gave His holy blood on the cross, and through that blood He has made peace with us. This Good News of Christ is for all nations, both God's chosen people and Gentiles.

Without His blood no one can come closed to God, for God is so holy.

Only those who are washed by His blood can come to Him and have peace with Him.

Peace with God is essential for all people in the world.

The other important point is that "by Him" God reconciles all tings to Himself. I received a wonderful report from my friend in Israel the other day. During Passover, special prayer meetings were held in Tel Aviv. More than a thousand people, both Jewish and Arab believers, attended the prayer meeting and prayed together in Christ Jesus.

My friend wrote that maybe this prayer meeting was the largest one organized by Messianic Jews in Israel. There was hot fighting outside of the Prayer Hall, but peace inside of the Prayer Hall. Russian Jews, Ethiopian Jews and Israeli believers (including Arabic Jews) were together with one mind for peace. I imagined that all of these people held hands and tearfully cried out to Jesus Christ for peace.

Israel has a hope in Christ Jesus. One day Jesus will come back and reign over this land, and the whole world will recognize that Jesus is the Messiah for all nations and people.

As the Scriptures say, the fulfilment of His word will not be so late. Therefore we preach His great message to the people in the world.

Teiichiro Kuroda