Bulletins and E-newsletters

135. Spring 2019 - Gentiles, Salvation and 'Tikkun Olam'; Letter from the LCJE President; LCJE General Meeting: Proposed Changes to LCJE Rules; An Interview with Lausanne Movement CEO Dr. Michael Oh; Reports from LCJE AustralAsia; Annual Report for LCJE Hong Kong/China; Annual Report for 2018 for South Africa; Annual Report for 2018 for Latin America; Book Review: God Stories from the Jewish Mission Field; New Book by LCJE Members; LCJE 2018 Financial Report and Accountant's Report; 11th International Conference (Ad); Caspari Media Review (Ad).

133-134. October 2018 - Hearing from God in the Depths of Despair; Behold Your God (BYG): Planning the Jerusalem Campaign; Working in BYG: Outreach to the Haredim in Jerusalem; Eat, Pray, Partner: Lessons in Network Facilitation; The Historical Importance of the Amsterdam Jewish Community; Book Review: Paul as a Problem in History and Culture; Book Review: Paul among the Jews; Book Review: The Jewish Bishop and S.I.J. Schereschewsky (1831-1906); All Israel Will be Saved: Another Look at Reformed Christian Views of Romans 11; A Fervent Hope: Dutch Theologian Gisbertus Voetius; On the Derekh II: Helping the Haredim Find Yeshua (Announcement); LCJE 2017 Financial Statement; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Caspari Media Review (Ad).

132. June-July 2018 - Jesus's Jewish Identity; LCJE Privacy Policy Statement; Israel Turns 70!; Hank Freedman: His Life and Testimony; Elizabeth Anne McCaul Finn; Supersessionism and Jewish Evangelism; Spotlight on New Books You Should Know About; Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism - South Africa; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; LCJE 11th International Conference (Ad); Caspari Media Review (Ad).

131. February-March 2018 - The Impact of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham; Annual Report for LCJE AustralAsia; Annual Report for LCJE Europe; Annual Report for LCJE South Africa; Annual Report for LCJE Korea; Annual Report for LCJE Israel; Annual Report for LCJE Japan; And the Gentiles Shall Come to Thy Light: Three Jewish Trailblazers in Mission to Asia: Isidor Loewenthal, Bernard Jean Bettleheim, and Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky (Charles Klingensmith); LCJE North America 35th Annual Conference - Atlanta; LCJE 2017 Financial Statement; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Caspari Course: Jesus in His Jewish Context; Caspari Media Review (Ad).

130. November-December 2017 - Experiencing God's Life-transforming Grace in Ministry; LCJE Monthly Prayer Calendar (AustralAsia): Upholding Fellow LCJE Member Ministries in Prayer; News and Views - Jerusalem: From the Surrender of the Ottoman Turks to Erdogan; Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem; New Poll of American Evangelicals; Barna Study of Jewish Millennials Strikes Nerve; Comparing/Contrasting American Jewish Millennials with Israeli Millennials; The Balfour Declaration: A 100-Year Celebration; Preceding the Balfour Declaration: The Cartwright Petition; LCJE Academic Corner: Dissertation on Jonathan Edwards and the Restoration of the Jewish People; At the Gravesite of Schereschewsky in Tokyo; Jewish Evangelism in East Asia: Looking for Opportunities, Making Connections; House of Messiah - Japan: Online Global Ministry to Jewish Deaf People; CEO Strategic Consultation Discussion - Follow-up; LCJE North America 35th Annual Conference: Jewish Evangelism: History, Theology and Practice; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; On the Derekh Conference Ad: Helping the Haredim Find Yeshua; Caspari Media Review (Ad).

129. September-October 2017 - Dwelling in the Word: The Pressures of Leadership (Part II) - Numbers 11:1-14; 12:1-3; 11th LCJE European Conference in Berlin; The Reformation and Its Impact on Jewish-Christian Relations (The 11th European Conference of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism Conference Statement); The Secret of the Reformation; Assessing Luther's Contradictory Legacy - A Review of Luther and the Jews - Putting Right the Lies; Franz Delitzsch: Fighter for the Authority of the Bible and Creator of the Hebrew New Testament; LCJE South Africa: Remembering Roger Horwood; LCJE Israel Regional Conference; Passing the Torch to the Next Generation in Israel; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Life in Messiah (Executive Director Ad); LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; On the Derekh Conference Ad: Helping the Haredim Find Yeshua; Caspari Center Media Review (Ad).

128. May-June 2017 - Dwelling in the Word: The Pressures of Leadership - Exodus 3:1-14; 4:1-11; 5:21-23; Book Review: Jews Don't Need Jesus and Other Misconceptions; In Memoriam: Antony Simon; How to Create a Digital Proclamation Campaign; Selections from the Fifth LCJE CEO Conference (Haslev, Denmark): World Jewish Demographics, Past Jewish Mission Conference in Denmark, Messianic Jewish Publishers, Recruitment and Mentorship; Jewish Mission Responses to Growing Global Anti-Semitism; LCJE Academic Corner; Life in Messiah (Executive Director Search Posting); LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Caspari Media Review; LCJE European Conference.

127. February-March 2017 - Devotional: A New Standard of Love (from My Brother's Keeper); LCJE Annual Report for Australasia; LCJE Annual Report for South Africa; Annual Report for LCJE Europe; Annual Report for LCJE Hong Kong; God's Plan for Israel: Latin America Annual Report, Major Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina; LCJE Japan Annual Report; LCJE North America Annual Report; LCJE Academic Corner; LCJE 2016 Financial Statement; LCJE Upcoming Meetings; Caspari Media Review; LCJE European Conference.

126. November-December 2016 - To the Jew First - You Can't Miss It!; LCJE South Africa Cape Town Conference; LCJE South Africa Conference - A Theme of Reconciliation; A Tribute to Birger Petterson: Kol Ha-Kavod; Remembering Elie Wiesel; The Hasidim and Other Haredim - Reaching the Unreached; Something Old, Something New - Reaching Yiddish Speakers; Historic Meeting in Warsaw: Fourth Russian-speaking Messianic Leaders Conference; Developments in Asia: If Not Now, When? (November 2017) And Where? (Japan!) and Who? (You!); LCJE Korea Participates in Lausanne Camp 2016; Ezekiel Margoliouth (1815-1894); LCJE Academic Corner - Notice of Publication: From Jerusalem to Jerusalem: Essential Contours of the Modern Messianic Movement; Evangelical Theological Society Annual Conference - session of LCJE presenters on Messianic Jewish Studies: History, Theology and Praxis; Jim Sibley paper - The Messianic Jewish Apologetic Purpose of John 9; Messianic Leadership Roundtable 2016; LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Ad: The Complete Jewish Study Bible; Ad: Caspari Center - Media Review.

125. September-October 2016 - Raising the Banner of Holiness; Shall Live By Faith; LCJE Korea is Launched! Welcome to the LCJE Korea Regional Network: Report from the ICC President; The Fifth AustralAsian Regional Conference and My Visit Down Under; Reaching Older Jews with the Gospel - LCJE Sydney 2016; LCJE Report on YLG2016 Workshops; Jewish Evangelism at the Lausanne YLG2016 in Jakarta; Attending YLG2016 and Understanding My Story; Reflections after the LCJE Workshop at YLG2016; Impressions about Jewish Evangelism at YLG2016; Linking Global Voices - Finding Jewish Evangelism; Some Personal Reflections on the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the British Messianic Jewish Alliance (BMJA); LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Jewish Evangelism in East Asia: Looking for Opportunities, Making Connections; LCJE.net - Now Upgraded.

124. June-July 2016 - The Righteous Shall Live By Faith; Jakob Jocz: CMJ Worker in the 20th Century; The William E. Blackstone Commemoration Project; Re-enchanted Judaism: The New Jewish Search for Personal Experience and Religious Expression; Moses Gotthold Lowen; D.C.S.B. - Attributes of Jewish Evangelism; Remembering Bishop John Taylor; LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Two Different Views from the Opposition.

123. April 2016 - Why Do the Nations Rage?; LCJE President's Report - in Jerusalem; International Coordinator's Report; Annual Report 2015 for AustralAsia; Annual Report 2015 for Europe; Introducing Our New LCJE Israel Coordinator; Report from LCJE Japan; Annual Report 2015 for North America; Annual Report 2015 for South Africa; Open Letter Response to Thoughts and Wishes from LCJE Under-40s; LCJE 2015 Financial Statement; 10th International Conference - Jerusalem (Financial Statement); LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Caspari Center - Media Review; CMJ Israel Director; Ad for Fifth Bi-annual AustralAsian Conference, June 2016.

122. November-December 2015 - To the Jew First...And Also to the Gentile: Starting the New Year Right: The Story of Hudson Taylor and John Wilkinson; The Vatican versus the Apostle Paul - Responding to the Vatican Commission Document, The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable; What Place for the Gentiles? - The Recent Rabbinical Statement on Christianity and the Implications for Jewish Evangelism; Adolph Saphir and the Unique Role of Jewish Missions; LCJE 2016 North American Conference announcement; Academic Corner - Evangelical Theological Society session on Messianic Jewish Studies: History, Theology and Praxis; Upcoming LCJE Meetings; Caspari Center - Media Review; New LCJE Facebook and Twitter Accounts.

121. August-September 2015 - Barry Barnett Returns to Israel!; Rabbi Daniel Zion: Pioneering Insider Witness within the Traditional Jewish Community in Eretz Yisrael; LCJE: The Next Generation; Update on the Jewish Believers in Jesus Series: Report on Progress and Plans; Messianic Resources for Jewish Evangelism; The Lost Gospel of Jerusalem; Sample Survey Results - 10th International Conference; Photos from Jerusalem - 10th International Conference.

120. May-June 2015 - Joseph Frey - The Father of Modern Jewish Missions; Diasporas from Cape Town 2010 to Manila 2015 and Beyond; The Lausanne Movement (LCWE) and LCJE: Bonding in the Midst of Controversy; Main Themes of Our 10th International Conference in Jerusalem; 10th International Conference Program; LCJE Members' General Meeting Announcement; Ten Narratives on the Place of Story and Orality in Christian and Messianic Jewish Theology and Ministry: Rediscovering the Lost Treasures of Hebraic Narrative Epistemology.

119. February-March 2015 - What Time Does the Clock Say for the Jewish People in France?; 2014 Annual Reports for Israel, Japan, AustralAsia, Latin America, Europe, South Africa, China/Hong Kong; LCJE 2014 Financial Statement; Announcement of General Meeting.

118. November 2014 - LCJE Japan at 20!; Update on the Barry Barnett Case: Appeal Scheduled before the Israel Supreme Court; The U.S. State Department FOIA Documents: Yad L'Achim and Jewish Evangelism in Israel; Kishinev (Chisinau), Moldova: The 130th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Messianic Movement; Who Would Have Believed? - Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement in 1884 and Its Commemoration in 2014; The 20th Anniversary of LCJE Japan; The LCJE AustralAsia Conference and Additional Reflections on CATC/CACP; The South Africa Mowbray Conference; Meeting with Michael Oh, Lausanne Movement CEO/Executive Director in Nagoya, Japan; Erratum.

117. August 2014 - 'Next Year in Jerusalem!'; The Fourth AustralAsian Conference - July 2014; 'In Search of Shalom' - An Update; A History of Jewish Mission in Europe - Successes and Failures; Gentile Believers Sacrificing for Unredeemed Israel - A Review of 'The Ruth-less Church'; Warren Graham (1937-2014), Pioneer in Messianic Ministry in the Land of Israel; The Jews in Acts.

116. May 2014 - LCJE 10th European Conference Statement; Corporate Solidarity in Jewish Evangelism; A Special Note of Thanks to our European Coordinator; 'I Remember Kiev 2014 for...'; The Next Generation in the Work of Jewish Ministries; The Kiev Messianic Congregation (KEMO); Problems Linked to Jewish Evangelism in Post-Holocaust Ukrainian Society; Highlights from Poland; The Relations of Russian-speaking Jews and Israel and How to Keep the Gospel Alive Among Russian Jews; The LCJE Optional Tour to Berdichev, Ukraine; Created to Proclaim: Israel, An Evangelistic Light to the Nations; Program Highlights of Fourth LCJE AustralAsia Conference (July 2014); A Profile of North American Messianic Jews; The Lausanne Movement at 40.

115. February-March 2014 - Faith and Courage in the Face of a Dictator; 2013 Annual Reports for AustralAsia, Latin America ("Evangelizing Jewish People in the Last Days - First Spanish Conference on Jewish Evangelism in North America"); North America, Europe, South Africa; New LCJE.net Search Engine More Powerful; 2013 LCJE Financial Statement.

114. November 2013 - Grace in Genesis: Chapter 3; Editorial: Thoughts on the Arrest of Barry Barnett; Jews for Jesus at 40, Moishe Rosen and the LCJE; 2013 Pew Research Report: "A Portrait of Jewish Americans"; Book Review of "Jewish Themes in the New Testament: Am Yisrael Chai!"; Introducing the LCJE Japan Website and Newsletter; Evangelical Theological Society Conference - Baltimore (USA) - Academic Group Planning Luncheon; Berdichev, Ukraine: Hasidic Past, Messianic Expectations and Jewish Evangelism Today; LCJE 10th European Conference Program: "Jesus, Still Today a Light to His People in a Post-Shoah Era."

113. August 2013 - The Servant King and His Servants; Our New LCJE Secretary - Christine Fulcrod; The Lausanne Movement: Bangalore Global Leaders' Forum (GLF); Reflections from the Bangalore GLF Conference; Dr. Louis Meyer - A Centennial Observance; A Review of "What the Rabbonim Say about Moshiach"; Doug Pyle - A Choice Servant of God to the Jewish People; A 'First' for Messianic Jewish Studies: Presented at the Sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies; "I'm Sad, but I'm not Angry with the Missionaries"; Highlights of ICC Meeting, St. Chrischona (May 31, 2013).

112. May 2013 - Thoughts from St. Chrischona: Acts 20 as a Model for Leadership; The St. Chrischona CEO Conference - Why Are We Here?; The Next LCJE Generation, The Next Generation: Passing the Baton, Grassroots Messianic Unity, Two Generations Together: Jewish Ministry in France, Messiah.Com.es, Honoring the Fallen: The 70th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto.

111. February 2013 - Annual Reports of LCJE Area Coordinators, Changing Jewish Perceptions of Evangelicals through Interfaith Text Study, 2012 Financial Statement.

110. November 2012 - 'Jhan Moskowitz - A Tribute', 'Jhan Moskowitz - A bridge-builder between Jesus-believing Jews and Christians involved in Jewish Evangelism', A Eulogy in Memory of Risto Santala z''l, Pastor Mulinde Visits Capetown, From an 'Enemy of Israel' to a 'Friend of Israel', The Third AustralAsia Conference - August 2012, The Third International Russian Messianic Leaders Conference - Kiev, Ukraine - Sept. 2012, Borough Park Symposium Three - How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Movement Be?, The Rami-Ami Booklet, Yossi Bikas - Young Fighter for Yeshua.

109. August 2012 - A Tribute to Stan Telchin, Fourth LCJE CEO Conference announcement, Handling Jewish Objections - An Overview, The Lausanne Movement, The Global Diaspora Network, When Dreams Go Thud: Handling Failure in Ministry, Jewish Evangelism in the New Age: Perspectives and Response, My Visit to Safed (Tsfat).

108. May 2012 - 'Christ at the Checkpoint'- An LCJE Member's Reflections, Danish Jewish Journal Informs about Messianic Jews, Vesta Joy Rehkugler and the Grace Bible Mission Society, Notes from a European LCJE-CEO Meeting, Jewish Evangelism Network, Heroes of the Holocaust: Poland, the Warsaw Ghetto and Yeshua, Bonhoeffer and the Jews, and more.

107. February 2012 - A Foot in Two Worlds, Hope for Israel (Israeli stamps with religious motifs), Annual Reports, and more.

106. November 2011 - New international LCJE coordinator, New LCJE chapter in Hong Kong/China, Early History of the Hebrew Christian Alliances, book review Baptist in Israel, and more.

105. September 2011 - High Leigh Conference, book review Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People, and more.

104. May 2011 - Second AustralAsian Conference, Twenty-Eighth North American Meeting, Deleting the Offending Paragraph, and more.

103. February 2011 - The Cape Town Commitment on Jewish evangelism, Ninth European LCJE Conference in Krakow, and more.

102. November 2010 - Lausanne III in Cape Town and Jewish evangelism, LCJE Dialogue Sessions I-IV, LCJE South African Conference, and more.

101. September 2010 - A Tribute to Moishe Rosen, Moishe Rosen and LCJE, Evangelizing the Jews – An Overview, The Fact of Failure, Second Borough Park Symposium, Romans 1:16, and more.

100. May 2010 - Issues 1-100, North American Conference, LCJE 30 Years, Deadly Competition in Jewish Ministries, George Gruen: A Father of the Modern Messianic Jewish Movement, and more.

99. February 2010 - Forgiveness, Suddenly a Shot, New Website, Annual Report AustralAsia, New Covenant Forum, and more.

98. December 2009 - First AustralAsia Conference, Collaroy (Sydney) NSW, "The Jews" in John’s Gospel: Anti-Semitism or Culture, Advancing in a Time of Recession, and more.

97. August 2009 - Report from LCWE meeting in Seoul, The Influence of the Media on Messianic Jewish Identity in Israel, Messianic Congregations and Their Fruit, and more.

96. May 2009 - LCJE Resolution on Christian Zionism and Jewish Evangelism, Finding Kinship at LCJE, Post-Holocaust Ministry, and more.

95. February 2009 - Making Good Decisions – What Informs Us?, Building a Framework for Faith Today, and more.

94. November 2008 - Reexamining Our Faith and Commitment, Martin Luther and the Anti-Jewishness of His Time, The Life of Johann Heinrich Callenberg, and more.

93. September 2008 - Reflections on a Month in Israel, Outside Influences on Judaism: What Is Authentically Jewish?, and more.

92. May 2008 - The Greatest Commandment, A Call for Clarity, A Typological Interpretation of Israel’s Feasts, and more.

91. February 2008 - The Davidic Covenant, Jewish Diaspora Missiology, and more.

90. November 2007 - Mission Priority from the Gospel of John, The Hidden Messiah, The Borough Park Symposium, and more.

89. September 2007 - Learn from the Fig Tree, Lake Balaton Conference Statement, The Sower and the Seeds (Doug Birdsall), Stories from Hungary, Reflections on Lake Balaton 2007, Did I Have an Agenda After All?, A Neophyte's Impressions, 12 Things I Got from LCJE 2007, Networking for Jewish Evangelism – Is There a Future for LCJE?, Election at 8th International.

88. June 2007 - Written by the Finger of God, Outreach in Lyon, The Truth Has Found Me, The View of a Newcomer, Explanation, An Appeal for Unity, Is a Postmissionary, Truly Messianic Judaism Possible?, What Do We Stand For?

87. February 2007 - Outreach to the Forgotten Jews of Far East Russia, The Jewish Lady Evangelist from Melbourne, 2006 Annual Reports, and more.

86. November 2006 - The Importance of Jewish Evangelism for the Church, Russian-speaking Messianic Conference in Berlin, Stavanger – The Mission Capital of Norway, and more.

85. September 2006 - A Matter of Perspective, Romans 1:16 – To the Jew First, Jewish Evangelism in Latin America, and more.

84. June 2006 - With One Accord in Prayer, A Note from Moishe Rosen, Community-Based Evangelism, and more.

83. February 2006 - The Relationship Between Mission Organizations and (Messianic) Congregations, LCJE ICC Meeting in Jerusalem, 2005 Annual Reports, and more.

82. November 2005 - Biola University and LOP 60, Competition and Collaboration, Evangelistic Ministry to Jewish-Gentile Couples, and more.

81. August 2005 - A Reminder, LCJE at Leadership Meeting in Hong Kong, Second LCJE Conference, Staff Development: Why Can’t We Have the Staff We Want?, Case Study: Utilizing the Local Church for Jewish Evangelism, Contextualization in Jewish Ministry, Meetings.

80. May 2005 - LCJE and the Vatican, Australia, Behold Your God!, Jewish Evangelism and the Japanese Church, and more.

79. February 2005 - Auschwitz and Jewish Evangelism, Caspari Center Jerusalem, Annual Reports, and more.

78. November 2004 - Pattaya Conference, book reviews, and more.

77. September 2004 - Menahem Benhayim, Jewish-Gentile Couples, and more.

76. May 2004 - The Passion of the Christ, Jewish Evangelism Training, and more.

75. February 2004 - Annual Reports, Anti-Semitism and Criticism of the State of Israel, and more.

74. November 2003 - Digital Jewish Missions History Project, New Members, New Coordinators, and more.

73. September 2003 - "Are You the King of the Jews?", Jesus and Jewish Evangelism, Reactions on LCJE Helsinki 2003, and more.

72. May 2003 - John Nicolayson, Outreach Through Messianic Jewish Congregations, The Orthodox Jewish Bible, and more.

71. February 2003 - The Way That Leads to Peace, First Youth Organization to Join LCJE, 2002 Annual Reports, and more.

70. November 2002 - Eulogy for Dr. Louis Goldberg, The Re-emergence of Anti-Semitism: A View from America, Anti-Semitism in Germany, and more.

69. August 2002 - The Tent and the Altar, The Divinity of Jesus, "Jesus" Video Project in Jerusalem, Using the Internet in Evangelism, The "Contra LCJEus" Tradition on the Web, and more.

68. May 2002 - Reconciliation, ICC Meeting in Jerusalem, In Russian Jewish Brooklyn, "Messianism" or Messianic Judaism?, The Centrality of Messiah, and more.

67. February 2002 - Success and Failure in Ministry, New-Age Judaism, Material and Methods in Jewish Evangelism, and more.

66. December 2001 - Bulletin #66.

65. September 2001 - Bulletin #65.

64. May 2001 - Bulletin #64.

63. February 2001 - Bulletin #63.

62. November 2000 - Bulletin #62.

61. August 2000 - Bulletin #61.

60. May 1995 - Bulletin #60.

39. February 1995 - Bulletin #39.

38. November 1994 - Bulletin #38.

37. August 1994 - Bulletin #37.

36. May 1994 - Bulletin #36.

35. February 1994 - Bulletin #35.

34. November 1993 - Bulletin #34.

33. August 1993 - Bulletin #33.

32. May 1993 - Bulletin #32.

31. February 1993 - Bulletin #31.

30. November 1992 - Bulletin #30.

29. August 1992 - Bulletin #29.

28. May 1992 - Bulletin #28.

27. February 1992 - Bulletin #27.

26. November 1991 - Bulletin #26.

25. August 1991 - Bulletin #25.

24. May 1991 - Bulletin #24.

23. February 1991 - Bulletin #23.

22. November 1990 - Bulletin #22.

21. August 1990 - Bulletin #21.

20. May 1990 - Bulletin #20.

19. February 1990 - Bulletin #19.

18. August 1989 - Bulletin #18.

17. April 1989 - Bulletin #17.

16. January 1989 - Bulletin #16.

15. October 1988 - Bulletin #15.

14. July 1988 - Bulletin #14.

13. April 1988 - Bulletin #13.

12. January 1988 - Bulletin #12.

11. October 1987 - Bulletin #11.

10. April 1987 - Bulletin #10.

9. December 1986 - Bulletin #9.

8. June 1986 - Bulletin #8.

7. February 1986 - Bulletin #7.

6. September 1985 - Bulletin #6.

5. May 1985 - Bulletin #5.

4. February 1985 - Bulletin #4.

3. November 1984 - Bulletin #3.

2. August 1984 - Bulletin #2.

1. 1984 - Bulletin Issue #1.

Traditionally, the LCJE Bulletin was published quarterly in a print version (and more recently in either print or digital versions). In 2020 – the 40th year of our network – LCJE, we added an additional form of communication – digital e-newsletters – in order to provide more timely and relevant information for our members.

We hope that this new approach will provide the best of both worlds in a changing global missions communications environment. Future print or special editions of the Bulletin will depend on content, themes and member preferences and priorities.

Remember – keep your LCJE membership and contact information current! This will help ensure that you receive all published materials and emails and stay up to date in what is happening in Jewish evangelism around the world.

If you are not part of an LCJE agency/organization, individual membership dues are $25 USD annually.

Legacy issues of the LCJE Bulletin (1984-2019) in PDF form, along with brief descriptions of contents, can be found here.

If you are unsure of your membership status or need to update your membership information, please contact the International Coordinator at: intco@lcje.net