Annual LCJE Report for Australia and New Zealand 2002

By Lawrence Hirsch, LCJE Area Coordinator for Australia/New Zealand

“…All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” Colossians 1:6

            Jewish evangelism in Australia has grown significantly in 2002. There has been a growing number of organisations and individuals involved in Jewish missions which has generally resulted in a higher profile for the need to share the Gospel with Jewish people in the Christian public. This steady growth is especially noticeable compared with the level of involvement around five to eight years ago. For this reason there is much to rejoice about. Jewish people are hearing and many are responding to the Gospel.

            Arrangements are under way for 2003 to gather the leaders of these various ministries together for a retreat under the banner of LCJE sometime before the conference in Helsinki in August 2003. I am sure that this will prove to be a very valuable time of fellowship together in the Lord.

            Here are some reports from the various mission organisations in alphabetical order:

Christian Witness to Israel

During 2002 Paul Morris and his wife came from the UK to continue the work of CWI in Sydney. John Graham, CWI’s previous National Director, continues in pastoral ministry in Bondi.

            Paul is a seasoned missionary with CWI and has done a fine job in settling down to life “down-under.” He has also done much already to begin to stimulate the many Presbyterian Churches in Australia for the cause of Jewish evangelism.

            Paul has initiated a new ministry in regularly setting up a literature table on a popular street in Bondi Junction which is home of many Jewish people in Sydney. This has proven successful with a number of Jewish contacts lending books from Paul’s library. Paul then has the opportunity to follow up with them later. Besides this, Paul continues the door to door evangelism and personal visits that characterises CWI’s ministry in Sydney.

            Please pray for Paul as he continues to settle into life in Austrlia.

David House Fellowship Inc (Director - Mark Warren)

THE VINEYARD magazine continues to be a faithful witness among the Jewish community worldwide, each month, and now has a new wardrobe, thus being published in full colour in five languages. This continues to be a great tool in reaching Jewish people around the world.

            Mark Warren, International Director of David House Fellowship says that it is their desire that the THE VINEYARD be used by other Jewish missions and a useful evangelistic tool in reaching Jewish people in their various tongues. If you’re interested in more information about this please contact their Australian Office (61 3 9570-5582).

Celebrate Messiah Australia (Director - Lawrence Hirsch)

This has been a very challenging but fruitful year for the work of Celebrate Messiah in Australia. We have seen our missionary staff grow from 2 to 5 missionaries working amongst Jewish people in Melbourne and Sydney environs.

            In September Celebrate Messiah hosted Simcha 2002, a national messianic conference. It was a great success and truly a joyous occasion. About 160 people in attended the 2-day “live-in” conference with over 90 of them being from Jewish backgrounds (including 55 children). Mitch Glaser, President of Chosen People Ministries, was our guest speaker with sessions being translated into Russian for our Russian speaking contingent.

            Beit HaMashiach and Dom Miss'ee, our two messianic congregations in Melbourne continue to grow in ministry and witness. Celebrate Messiah has also initiated a new ministry called Messiah College. Through this ministry we hope to engage Jewish people through offering various subjects that are needed in the community for young and old alike like Maths, English, Russian, Personal Development and of course, Bible classes.

            We are certainly seeing a growing number of Jewish people coming to faith as well as an emerging Messianic Jewish community in Australia. For all these things, we are very grateful to the Lord.

International Board of Jewish Missions (Kyle Sutton)

Kyle Sutton and his growing family has been working in Sydney since August 2001 with the International Board of Jewish Missions based in Chattanooga Tennessee.

            Kyle has settled in well and has made a significant contribution to the task of Jewish evangelism in Sydney. He regularly hands out tracts, visits with Jewish contacts and has also started a weekly messianic style fellowship.

Jews for Jesus in 2002 (Bob Mendolsohn)
This was a tough year for us as some momentum was lost due to some staff  and volunteer departures, but God is ever faithful to keep us going for Him. We were able to make Jesus known in Melbourne, Hobart, Perth and Adelaide, Malaysia and Singapore, as well as our usual headquarters site in Sydney.
            Sales of our products are increasing in Christian book shops. The media helped amplify our message with interviews on the ABC (national radio) and the Sydney Morning Herald.
            Our weekly outreach service "Beth Messiah" saw souls saved and even purchased a sefer Torah which is in use weekly.
            Plans continue for the first "Jews for Jesus Day" in March 2003 and our Behold Your God campaigns in both Sydney and Melbourne within the next 14 months.

Lawrence Hirsch