Louis Goldberg and LCJE

By Kai Kjær-Hansen, International LCJE Coordinator

Louis Goldberg had a great impact in many contexts. Also in LCJE. I have tried to list some of his contributions – in the case of North America, with the assistance of the NA-LCJE secretary Robert Specter. The papers that Louis Goldberg presented at the North American LCJE conferences may be obtained from him: ROBSPECTER@aol.com

As to the titles of the papers presented at the NA-LCJE meetings it is necessary to make reservations since Goldberg – like all other contributors – could deviate from the titles announced in the program.

Contributions at International LCJE Conferences
Louis Goldberg participated in five out of the six International LCJE conferences. The only one he missed was the fourth, in Zeist, Holland, 1991. Louis Goldberg was scheduled to speak at the conference but had to cancel his participation because of his wife’s illness.

1980 Pattaya, Thailand. At the Pattaya consultation arranged by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE) Louis Goldberg was one of the five consultants for the mini-consultation on Reaching Jewish People. Consequently he took part in the drawing up of the report Christian Witness to the Jewish People, issued as Lausanne Occasional Papers, no. 7, Wheaton 1980. What he helped to set up – namely what was to become LCJE – was also what he remained faithful towards – right to the end.

His contributions at the consequent conferences were the following:

1983, Newmarket, England: Paper: The People of Israel in the Land of Israel: A Hope for the Messianic Kingdom.

1986 Easneye, England: Response to Ole Chr. M. Kvarme: Approach to Rabbinic Theology (Cassette). In connection with this third international conference, Louis Goldberg compiled an 28-page bibliography, which was published as a separate booklet with the title: A Selected Bibliography on Judaism and Jewish Christian Issues, (LCJE, Easneye, UK 1986).

[1991 Zeist, Holland: A scheduled workshop on the topic Gods promise to Israel was cancelled.]

1995 Jerusalem, Israel: Evening main address: Yeshua’s Ministry. Printed in the conference booklet LCJE Jerusalem 95, (LCJE, Århus 1995: 98-105).

1999 New York, USA: An LCJE veteran’s contribution: The Look Backwards and Forward. Printed the in conference booklet LCJE New York 99 (LCJE Århus, Denmark 1995:225-226 – reprinted in this Bulletin.)

Contributions at LCJE North America conferences
Few – if any – have contributed so often with papers at the North American LCJE conferences as Louis Goldberg has. Look at this list:

1985 Dallas: Theological Perspectives and Jewish Evangelism [from the viewpoint of a
30 pages.

1986 Chicago: An Analysis of The Jew and the Christian Missionary: A Jewish Response to Missionary Christianity; 27 pages.

1988 Baltimore: Review: Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology (Ph.D. Dissertation of Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum); 21 pages.

1990 St. Louis: Our Father Abraham; 8 pages.

1993 Minneapolis: A Major Watershed of Thought Regarding Jewish People and Messianic
Jews at the End of the Second Temple Period;
33 pages.

1994 New York: Matthew, The Mishnah and Other Sources; 48 pages. (Abridged version with the title The Passover Celebration in Matthew and Mishnah in LCJE Bulletin, no. 37, 1994:9-13).

1995 Las Vegas: The Written Torah - When is it Authoritative and When is it not?; 28 pages.

1996 Chicago: The Doctrine of God - Recontextualizing the Council of Nicea; 26 pages. (Abridged version with the title Recontextualizing the Doctrine of the Trinity as formulated by the Council of Nicea in LCJE Bulletin no. 44, 1996:12-16).

1997 Philadelphia: Selected Observations of the Work of the Person and Work of the Spirit among the Household of Israel; 31 pages. (Abridged version with the title Selected Observations of the Work of the Spirit in Evangelism and Regeneration among the Household of Israel in LCJE Bulletin no. 49, 1997:10-14).

1998 San Diego: Another Voice by an Anti-Missionary and a Seeming Evangelical Concurrence; 34 pages. (Abridged version in LCJE Bulletin, no. 54, 1998:7-13).

1999 St. Louis: The Presence of "Law" in the Book of Galatians; 15 pages.

2000 Atlanta: The Sin Nature and Yeser Ha-ra: Are they the Same or Different? (Published in Mishkan no. 32, 2000:52-66 and available as a pdf file on the LCJE web site).

2002 Orlando: Word of God and Jewish Traditional Materials; 19 pages.

Other contributions
Article: Jewish and Modern Studies at Moody Bible Institute, ( LCJE Bulletin no. 20, 1990:21-22).

Jerusalem 1995: God help us ...
Louis Goldberg concluded his main address at the evening meeting on 19 June 1995, where his subject was Yeshua’s Ministry, with the following words:
”His [Yeshua’s] deity gives us the assurance that he can change human circumstances and the course of nations. And it is his deity that assures us that he is quite capable one day of bringing in the kingdom of peace for which our hearts yearn. God help us as we share his full orbed being with our people.”

Kai Kjær-Hansen